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"India Surging Ahead: Opportunities for Slovenia" - Business event organized in Ljubljana on 5 March 2020

Posted on: March 06, 2020 | Back | Print

In association with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS), Embassy of India organized business event titled »India Surging Ahead: Opportunities for Slovenia« on Thursday, 5 March 2020. 

After the welcome remarks by Ambassador Mr. Param Jit Mann, and Ms. Sonja Šmuc, General Manager of the CCIS, Ms. Zaneta Statevska, Marketing Executive from the Embassy, delivered a presentation on India’s economy and government initiatives and presented business opportunities for Slovenian companies.

Mr. Iztok Kogovšek (Valji), Mr. Vasja Jakomin (Seven Refractories), Mr. Tomaž Bosio (Bosio), Mr. Amit Godbole (Pramit) and Mr. Jure Tomc (EICAB) presented their good experiences in doing business with India. The last part of the event was dedicated to a Q & A session.

For video, please click:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nsEFoA7jD4&feature=youtu.be

For photos, please click: http://www.eoiljubljana.gov.in/event_detail/?eventid=81