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"India Surging Ahead: Opportunities for Slovenia" - Business event organized in Ptuj on 20 June 2018

Posted on: June 22, 2018 | Back | Print

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018, a business event »India Surging Ahead: Opportunities for Slovenia« was organized by the Embassy of India in cooperation with the City Municipality of Ptuj.

After the welcome remarks by Mr. Miran Senäar, Mayor of the City Municipality of Ptuj and H.E. Mr. Param Jit Mann, Ambassador of India, Ms. å½aneta Statevska, Marketing Executive, delivered a presentation in Slovene on India’s economy and government initiatives and presented business opportunities for Slovenian companies from the region.

The last part of the event was dedicated to a Q & A session. The queries were responded by H.E. Mr. Param Jit Mann and Mr. Ravi Kumar Jain, Commercial Representative of the Mission.

The event was attended by representatives of about 30 companies from the region. 

Also see Photo Galleries.